These are 2 OPTIONAL add-ons for our 2024 box.
The products listed are as follows:
You have the choice to pack in more items. You can opt for a full sock skein measuring 400 yards or a full glitter skein that measures 438 yards.
In addition to this, you can choose to include a Chelsea on the Ranch Adventure Pack. This pack will be loaded with surprise treats similar to those we've offered in past years.
What's more? Katie, the creative talent behind The KNIT KIT, is designing a special kit to match this year's theme! This one-of-a-kind kit will showcase accessories only available at Chelsea Yarns.
Our preorders will continue until sold out.
For any queries, feel free to reach out at christina@chelseayarns.com.
It will initially be tagged as SOLD OUT but will become available at 7:00 pm EST (NY TIME).
Please refrain from ordering any other items with the Advent as we plan to ship this box in early November.
We're super excited to enjoy this vlogmas season with you!